Friday, December 26, 2008
Merry Christmas to all (though i'm late). anyway, hope you guys enjoy the presents you received even if you don't, it was a public holiday right?
Had to work till 9pm on Christmas Eve while ppl were celebrating. missed the post Christmas event cause of work too. well, maybe i'm a workaholic?
put on new specs for work today and well, i seem to be clumsier with them on. probably not used to it. the frame is so thick that my new blinder can't fit well. busy busy busy... thought of 3 games for corporate shoot but the words just can't come out. well, that gives me more time to revise and improve on the games.
really need time for training. been like 2 or 3 days without training and i actually planned to train everyday except monday. can only do mental simulation when i have nothing to do. maybe try meditating to shut off from all thoughts but not stoning though. haiz...
went to the supermarket with the intention to window shop unless if what i always wanted to buy was on sale and it is (FINALLY!!). wanted to buy ruffles chips since like dunno how long ago. probably before prelims. well, there was this guy there who was like telling me it cost $3.05 and i thought he was asking. i shall do it in conversation form. (hope my translation is not that bad)
Man: it's $3.05
Me: ya
Man: it's nice meh?
Me: depends on personal preference
Man: why not buy other brand? they are cheaper and you'll get more
Me thinking "you got a problem with me buying what i want?" (but didn't answer anything)
*Man walked off*, *I went to the counter and saw that guy in queue again =.=" *
Man: buying for friends?
Me: No
Man: 1 person finish 2 packets?
Me: No la (actually i can but obviously not on the same day). for family
Man: your family got eat this?
Me thinking "what's your problem?!" but said: ya
Man: you can buy the Japanese branded chips at $2+ and it contains more. It also have flavours like Cheese, Pizza etc. (think he was talking about Calbee)
Me: No reply
Man: I let you queue in front
Me: don't need la (have a bad feeling about it)
*Man walked off suddenly*
like what the... is there a problem with me getting what i want? act friendly? or maybe i'm just being unfriendly... anyway, I just hate it when i'm buying something and a salesperson comes over to assist when i didn't ask for them. i don't blame them for doing their job but then i just feel that it becomes noisy and their recommendations are usually convincing but the price-wise? sometimes they just advertise stuff which i don't think it's nice. ok, i'm a weirdo. got a problem with that? haha. it's just that sometimes when you already can't decide, they come and bombard you with more products and you end up being unable to decide on more products.
got to go work. ciao ciao
11:21 PM ; smile'
Sunday, December 21, 2008
been starting my regular part-time job for a few days already. many things to remember and do. don't really like to do customer service kind of jobs but still, i'll do my best to do my job well.
my PB is currently 555. receive advice from all the coaches. haha. guess i'm just too dumb to understand or my brain just make me do what i think is the best for myself like how it have been for 2 and a half years since i'd started on Air Pistol.
Met Coach Zhang at the supermarket today. saw him at the MRT station yesterday. talk about coincidence. maybe i shouldn't hae approached him cause we started chatting about shooting, air weapons and live weapons, my shooting experience, other people's shooting experience, my training etc. although coach nigel asked me to switch what i'd been training and see which suits me better, i still want to stick to what i had been doing cause that was what both coach song and coach ma asked me to try out before they went back to their home country. of course, coach nigel did give me suggestions on how to train or improvise what i'd been training. for someone with a poor memory like me, i think it's best for me to not have an aiming area. then it's all rhythm (as what coach zhang said)
intend to cook pasta for my family tomorrow and then maybe bake cookies. if the cookies taste nice, maybe i'll wake up early on tuesday and then bake some for my coaches. gotta get my eyes checked, buy new specs, do housework... i think i need a timetable. so many things to do on my only off day but strange to say, i enjoy doing work. hopefully the enjoyment lasts. a lot of things to learn too. but then again, i don't think i'll ever be cooking any dishes that contains seafood. it's kind of like throwing that poor creature(s) in and cooking them alive. that's about the same as peeling prawn shells. kind of like skinning them and plucking their heads off. eeeww...
think i might just be able to kick away my gaming addict, have not been seriously playing games for quite some time already. it's more of to relax myself i think or when i have nothing much to do.
talked to James today and i do feel much better. lighten myself for quite a bit. gotta meet up with him soon. haha.
10:32 PM ; smile'
Friday, December 19, 2008
got a new job and had a busy day. gotta sleep. it's gonna be another long day.
12:50 AM ; smile'
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
well, nothing's really new today. don't wanna talk about it. it'll be talked about somewhere else if you really want to know. wrapped up the gifts this morning and they where filled with condensed water vapour. and i'm real bad at wrapping gifts. i can only wrap cube and cuboid shapes and not others. haiz...
well, brought the presents to the range but when to mini toons first to get something else. have yet to buy something for auntie jenny cause i couldn't find that shop.... argh... probably going on thursday. tomorrow shall be a long day.
reached the range at about 2.30 and didn't see any yj shooters and i thought they would be there early to prepare their stuff. waited till around 2.55 and jude came. he chatted with me a little about A levels but i asked him to prepare his stuff cause the lanes will be issued out if they are late. maybe he didn't hear it when i asked him to collect his rifle first. well, the lanes were really "given" to other ppl but it was unintentional. at least we got back the lanes. =D
several spoilt stuff and members who are not turning up. so what if there's H3? come for only 1 day? that's as good as asking the team to lose the nationals. not even the north zone award. and some equipments to be kept at the range and they won't be used... well, the remaining shooters will have to bring them back for CCA Bazaar...
started training later than planned cause i had some things to do. trained for about 1hr+ and i do feel improvement until a certain period of time when i felt tired and hungry. so packed up and settled some stuff with the yj shooters. went dinner with 2 coaches and another fellow pistol shooter. reached the range and was supposed to go train but i show my games suggestions to coach and 2 out of 4 of them can be considered. that's quite good. cause the problems of the others i thought of was the same as what they thought of. have to think of another game if possible and i have an idea. just need to think through about it 1st. like how it's going to go etc. have 2 versions actually.
played some mini shooting game and i lost. haiz... 1 pistol shooter vs 3 rifle shooters and my vision was already very blur. but nevermind, it sure was fun. was very nervous during the first shot though. at least we all had fun =D
The biscuits from Elken is really nice. that's the feedback i got. i haven had any as yet. gonna eat a few pieces tomorrow. miss it a lot. lol.
so many things to do and to think of. i hope things will go according to what i planned or just what i thought of. scared of something that might happen.
alright. time to sleep. probably a long day tomorrow.
11:54 PM ; smile'
Monday, December 15, 2008
horrible day today. intended to go for a run in the morning but it was raining heavily around my area. so ended up doing pt. no mat on the ground so my back ached while doing sit-ups. skipped breakfast again. played pt for a while and my character kept dying cause of the character's inertia. ended up quitting game. and went to jump blog. after some time, i went to do the laundry as well as iron my pants which i would be using cause i'm going out to hunt for items. my brother bought lunch but i couldn't finish mine. even though it doesn't look like it, i do have a small appetite unless if it's under certain circumstances which i shall not elaborate.
went to orchard (taka) but couldn't really decide on what to buy. if they were selling what they sold last year, i would have gotten it but nvm. so i went to vivo and searched. the 1st place i went to was candy empire cause it was the nearest. window shopped and then went to giant to see if there's anything better. too bad, there wasn't any. went to L2 to look for toys cause some receivers are not supposed to eat too much. saw some prospective toys but they were ex and too small and i thought i should go look at other places for more. the other toys sold in vivo are much more ex than those that i saw earlier. so i carried on touring. wanted to go back to candy empire and a saw the vivo mart sign and went in. this portion was the 1 with cold storage and guardian instead of the giant only portion but i thought it was linked. i forgot the 2 are on different levels. (1 on L1 and the other on B2). ws walking in circles and guess what? i lost my way. probably cause i was too anxious and resulted in more haste, less work. took quite some time before i realised that i was on the wrong level. that was like my 2nd time going to vivo la... actually 3 but 1 time was only 1 level.
so went back to candy empire and got what i wanted after discussing with shuj and nat. haven bought 1 item yet cause i was broke. so went home. the journey took quite some time. reached home at 8+ and my stomach was using growl again. luckily my attack is quite high in the first place. so i managed to drag myself back home. was feeling weak at vivo though. probabaly cause i strained too much in the morning.
reached home and my brother was cooking his dinner. the soup was splurting out and i turned off the gas and i kena scolding. the lid was damaged in the first place and he accused me of breaking it. like wth!!
called my mum to find out where the wrapping was and found out that there wasn't enough. then she asked me if i had dinner, if not, join them. saw my brother eating his dinner and so i didn't tell him.
after dinner, i told my mum that my brother didn't go for work today and i kena scolding again. it's like, "is he supposed to dump his food and join us?". maybe it's more approapriate to inform him as well. couldn't hold my temper at 1 time. it's like i reached earlier than my parents and i get scolding, forgot to water plants and i got scolding again. what about the 1 who was at home all the time?
i have to go for training, do work, housework, where got so much time to think of other things. i do have my own problems as well.
forget it... hope tomorrow will be a better day.Labels: gotta . stay . calm
10:58 PM ; smile'
Sunday, December 14, 2008
a series of unfortunate events occured today. it's like the worst day ever compared to spongebob's best day ever.
oh well, work up at 6am today to prepare for HTNS monthly shoot. had diarrhoea in the morning and i have not had breakfast. think it was last night's dinner. had milo for "breakfast". actually to last till i reach gombak.
well, left house and it was raining. almost missed the bus but thanks to my speed, i didn't miss it. reached gombak, bought the double cheese which is actually hotdog bun with melted cheese on top. my usual is that + 1 cheese stick. if not, peanut butter waffle. shouldn't eat peanut butter waffle before shoot as it'll bring me negative effect during when shooting. the double cheese was horrible. nothing like how it was when i had them previously. maybe it was left overnight? missed the 945 bus and walked to the range. was still raining and was kind of drenched. reach the range at around 820 or 840. can't really remember. so i went to the washroom to wash my hair and the hand dryer on level 1 was not working. tough luck... as least i saw tsu cher on my way to level 2. don't have to wait for the range to be opened. haha. dried my hair with tissue paper eventually. then a while later, uncle jimmy came. so didn't have to wait to draw out weapon.
here comes the trouble again. i spent like 5mins just to open the r10 tin... and the air con was like... not on... throughout the shoot i was sweating. took more time today. probably about 45min or so including 8 sighting shots. the 1st 5 shots of the sighting was rubbish and the next 3 were all 10 so i started. used a sighter as 1st competition shot and hit a 10. actual 1st shot, 8... one of the shots in 1st 2 series got a 7 cause the shot fired off before i reached my aiming area. didn't dare to do that thereafter. didn't dare to fire off several shots. 3rd series was the worst. my "zi xiang" was ok but then my feet felt weird and i was swaying a lot. when i concentrate to stop my body swaying, my arm was moving. rested my arm for a while but no effect. usually my left heel will hurt but this time round, it was my right heel. no coach around to ask so had to depend on myself. at my 40+th shot, my vision blurred and i hit a 8. maybe 2 of them. there goes my 95. got 93 for last 2 series. 91 91 88 92 93 93 i think. most ppl's score drop at the end so i'm just a minority. guess what, my 3rd series was reflected to be 82 at the scoring room and i saw that. haha. i knew i wouldn't score that bad and 88 was bad enough. i should have min 92 or 93 now. ended up 4th and ppl with like 6+ or 9+ handicap got into top 3 and my 2.55 got me 4th. lol... at least i should be able to get into CAT B with 553, 550 and 548. i have to get 560 by feb. will train 3hrs at least everyday if i have to.
had the catered lunch and went to have lunch with my godparents and so on(thought the lunch was cancelled when i didn't get a reply within the hour). was caught in the rain when i exited the HTNS entrance and it was a long way to their house. ran there and was almost hit by a car. there was a blind spot and another car blocking my path. phew.
my godbrother chated with me a lot about what course to choose and possible future prospects. well, i can't really decide until i find out more about the faculties. took bus with him till clementi cause he's going to NUS library i think. at least can chat longer instead of going jurong east int on my own. complained to him a lot of things la. haha
took the wrong train at clementi and ended up in dover so had to take the reverse side. had seats at jurong east and i fell asleep until khatib when the train just left... had to cross over at yck. had several bad experiences along my way back and i regretted taking my specs off. shall not elaborate. missed the bus at the bus interchange and had to wait but i chose to walk home.
reach home and wanted to run but it was drizzling so i thought i should change my plans and play basketball instead. the court seemed to be empty but my basketball was not fully pumped so i had to look for the pump but couldn't find it. wasted like 10-15mins to find it and get the ball pumped. by the time i was going to the court, it was filled with ppl so i headed back home... went to buy dinner in the end. asked for 2 sets from the western food store (maybe i didn't say 2. can't remember) but i got only 1 so i went to buy 2 peanut butter waffle. reached home and went to do some skipping since i didn't have the chance to go running. the skipping rop was coiled and so deformed that i have to completely open my arms to avoid contact with the rope. it didn't work cause the coil was real bad. skipped for about 5-10 mins only. (gotta do sit-ups before sleeping). almost couldn't finish the waffles as i always had poor appetite after exercising. until now, it's not raining... haiz... hopefully it rain soon so it won't rain tomorrow morning.
going to run to train stamina tomorrow. my leg muscles will surely ache cause training stamina mean run until my legs cannot tahan. doing laundry after that. buy/cook lunch (cooking only if both my brothers are at home). going to shop for christmas present in the afternoon. run again in the evening if my legs "says" it's ok. maybe go online after doing the laundry.Labels: how unfortunate
9:10 PM ; smile'
The rules:Bold the statements that are true to you
Italise the statements that you WISH are true
Leave the Fibs alone
Then, stab 5 guys to do the same test.
I miss somebody right now.
I dont watch TV these days.
I own lots of books
I wear glasses or contact lenses
I love to play video games.
I've tried marijuana.
I have been in a threesome.
I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
I believe honesty is usually the best policy
I curse sometimes. (but no vulgarities. only like "crap" etc)
I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
I'm TOTALLY smart.
I've broken someone's bones. (someone broke mine...)
I'm paranoid sometimes.
I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free
I need money right now.
I love sushi,
I talk really, really fast. (sometimes only cause usually i don't talk)
I have long hair.
I have lost money in Las Vegas.
I have at least one sibling.
I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.
I like the way I look.
I am usually pessimistic.
I have a lot of mood swings.
I have a hidden talent (maybe i do have 1 but if it's hidden, how would i know?)
I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have
I have a lot of friends.
I am currently single
I have pecked someone of the same sex.
I enjoy talking on the phone (depends)
I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
I love to shop
I enjoy window shopping.
I would rather shop then eat.
I don't hate anyone. (the 1 who broke my bones? think it was dislocate)
I'm a pretty good dancer.
I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
I have a cell phone.
I believe in God.
I watch MTV on a daily basis.
I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months. (i stopped when i glow red after drinking 1 glass or less. wine only, no beer for me)
I rejected someone before. (some project proposal such as camp proposal)
I have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life. i had an idea but i think i'm gonna switch)
I want to have children in the future.
I have changed a diaper before.
I've called the cops on a friend before.
I'm not allergic to anything.
I have a lot to learn.
I have been with someone at least 10 years older or younger.
I am shy around the opposite sex.
I have tried alcohol before. (if it's the 1 in chem lab, i didn't)
I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past.
I own the "South Park" movie.
I would die for my best friends.
I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza. (i just love pizza as long as it's not very spicy and have no seafood toppings)
I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it. (but i don't watch on a regular basis)
I have dated a close friends's ex. (i have never dated anyone :P)
I am happy at this moment! (after underperforming during today's monthly shoot? if i did this a few days/week ago, i would)
I'm obsessed with guys
I study for tests most of the time. (last minute?)
I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met. (how many ways are there?)
I can work on a car.
I love my job.
I am comfortable with who I am right now.
I have more than just my ears pierced.
I walk barefoot wherever I can.
I have jumped off a bridge. (if it's stairs, i did. at home)
I love sea turtles. (i prefer smaller ones)
I spend ridiculous money on makeup. (i'll look like a ghost if i did)
I plan on achieving a major goal/dream. (OLYMPIC GOLD)
I'm proficient in a musical instrument. (i can play some but not proficient)
I worked at McDonald's restaurant.
I hate office jobs.
I love sci-fi movies.
I think water rules. (i'll die without water, oxygen and food)
I went college out of state.
I like sausage.
I love kisses. (hershey's kisses - cookies and cream :P)
I fall for the worst people.
I adore bright colours. (white, blue and black)
I can't live without black eyeliner.
I don't know why the hell I just did this stupid thing.
I usually like covers better than originals.
I can pick up things with my toes. (size of the object matters)
I can't whistle
I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snake's slither. (never tried. it's ridiculous.)
I have ridden/owned a horse. (only rode on the 1 in Genting Highlands)
I still have every journal I've ever written in. (only a few entries)
I can't stick to a diet. (never tried. but i can if i'm saving $)
I talk in my sleep. (i never tried recording it. who on earth knows if he/she sleep talks?)
I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions. (it doesn't always work)
Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.
I have jazz in my blood.
I wear a toe ring.
I have a tattoo.
I can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with. (can i count myself in? cause that's the person i can't stand working with. lol)
I am a caffeine junkie.
I know what cosplaying is.
I have been to over 15 conventions. (i never counted)
I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical, the better.
Used to collect bread labels, used stamps.
I'm an artist.
I only clean my room when necessary.
I still have my primary school sticker collection.
I like a person of the same sex. But I'm straight, just so you know
(:I love being happy.
I am an adrenaline junkie.
I will tag:
ah xiang
whoever wants to do this thingy
5:52 PM ; smile'
Saturday, December 13, 2008
6:16 PM ; smile'
Friday, December 12, 2008
6:55 PM ; smile'
6:54 PM ; smile'
Here comes the dessert. should have on flash but the image looks ok on the camera screen.

there was another dish (probably another dessert but was too slow to capture it's image before chopsticks started to displace them)
6:54 PM ; smile'
5:58 PM ; smile'
5:57 PM ; smile'
Thursday, December 04, 2008
1:16 AM ; smile'
1:14 AM ; smile'