Friday, January 26, 2007
wanted to update since dunno when. now, i've forgotten whatever i wanted to say lah...
Anyway, I would most probably be representing school for this year's interschool air-pistol competition unless if there're really many very good newcomers...
Fallen sick... haiz... still need to complete a presentation by this week... missed cell this week cause CCA till quite late. reached home at abt 11 or so... Training is now 2 days per week...
Many other stuff which i've forgotten. since that's the case, i'll stop here... haha...
10:40 AM ; smile'
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Block test finally ended and things didn't turn out well. results will all be out on 20 Jan and i definately have no confidence at all...
My emotions almost gotten over a lot of my actions and decisions... probably gonna get into depression or something soon... Somehow it's either this mind does not belong to me anymore or it's just that it'll keep playing Merry-Go-Round... A lot of stuff had been going in and out of my mind...
Forgot abt what else i wanted to write...
1:06 PM ; smile'
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
pre camp on 26... so i went back to BoL to claim back the items borrowed... it was raining and my hands where full... didn't use umbrella so got dranched... use for while lah but then still got half which was really drenched... I reached PHS but saw only 2 NCOs and the time i reached wasn't that early lah... and to think that they didn't offer help to carry the stuff... then NCOs came but yet no one (especially the store IC) checked the items... (means the stuff were all left outside). when to west coast park and it was still raining... dunno is which idiot who wanted me to go... please lah, the other 2 are old enough to take care of themselves though they just came in... then my shoes got wet again... got to attend a whole wedding procedure so went home... or did i go for service? i think i went for service... then Uncle Delai didn't come so Uncle Morgan drove me to the MRT station... haiz...
Was very tired when i got up so i slept during the journey to my godfamily's place... then went with the bridegroom to fetch the bride but didn't contribute anything lah... haha... only like go get red packet only... then the dinner right, they provided door gifts... by right my table got 10 ppl only but added in 1 kid... then the kid took 1 of the door gifts... ahhh.... my dad didn't mind lah so i talk so much for what? haha... my table was troublesome cause the food are all served in 10s... dunno why my dad wanted to stay behind... it was like the queue is so short when we got out... but the waiting made it long and there was a jam in the carpark cause everyone's leaving (meridian something i think (the hotel name)) then was very tired.
woke up late the next day but made myself even more late while discussing some stuff with someone. but didn't need me to do anything there yet either... haha... so reach there and ate lunch (so i'm known as go for the free food =_="... Also known as the Air-Con) the stuff i mostly forget le... the interview took so long... was very tired lah... i lasted through the whole interview process with kq... went to sleep for a while then I went to do the ACR form so didn't really sleep much... then was asked to take a look at the activity... (please lah, i lasted through the whole interview and they went to sleep lor...) no choice since most are sleeping only mz and me left i think (mz drank red bull lor... dunno whether it did help) my latte was spoilt... left it exposed in the air for too long... only drank like half the can only... then during AGM, was very tired... almost fell asleep for 2 times i think... (some time was wasted somewhere and somehow) went back to NP room and i slept with head lying on my hand and it's obviously on the table... then blah blah blah. Talked to my sec 1s (this year sec2s) also dunno which comes first... I'm sick of their gossip so during dinner, my patience had ended... wanted to shout at them but in public so still managed to stop myself... gossip i endured already then still kop my food... (next time want go buy more yourself lah)
on 30 i forgot i did what which caused me not to be able to study... I think I went out. to do what i forgot already. 31 whole day was out... very funny de. my parents go out we go also no use... like only our presence got use only... what they talk we have no interest at all... play handphone game also kena scolding... then another day wasted... went home, changed, then went to BoL... was late so took cab... wasted $7.40. dinner (after the egg breaking event) used my long saved points for 20 piece nuggets... my sis got McSpicy meal and upsize somemore... haha... we shared the food but i didn't touch on the Burger lah... went back to BoL and Uncle Delai left so once again, the day is saved, thanks to the powerpuff girls... no lah... no transport le so stayed overnight and played Mafia... my sis wanted to play the whatever jacko game but the rest wanted Mafia... haiz... she was bored so i lent her my phone... through the whole night, I also got fed up with the (sound for captain)... got home and slept till 12+. used the com liao then went out to return my friend's PS. got home and slept again... wanted to study after dinner but you should know what happened... (if i'm studying, i wouldn't be here...) tomorrow exam le and i didnt really prepare... very scared... in fact, my scared is dunno why will cause me to feel hopeless and not want to study... 1 more prob is i always fall asleep while studying... now i'm lost and going to sleep... byez... please, i need everyone's help and support. Thanks.
12:29 AM ; smile'
Been a long time since i posted... everytime forget... what else...
Anyway, the things that happen b4 Uth Camp are more or less gone from my memory. In order to get cheaper rates for the items, how many lies have i told. The store owner there all very powderful 1... they will like "force" you to buy de... even when i say i need to make a call, guess what, the store owner asked me to call right in front of her shop... worse thing is got 1 of the stores is located right beside the stairs... how can i get off without being "stalked"?
The whole place of Singapore was probably flooded... My shoes were all wet and I had to transport the items back to BoL. I didn't attend the service but i should have done that cause i reached home only abt 1/2 hr earlier than usual...
Shoes were so wet that I had to use my dad's shoes during Uth camp... Should have brought sandals instead of slippers... the pain was quite overwhelming... (in between the toes there...) and dunno why the shoes did not provide much friction... Anyway, somehow my group's point was always lagging behind lah. 1st game de day we missed out 1 game so we were very far back... then 2nd day de always got Iwan's group break record... some games some groups will have disadvantage and advantage over others lah. for Andy's game, It was easy for Iwan's group (my opinion only) cause they have 2 bigger size ppl... my group only got me... not say my other group members are weak lah but then strength wise might not be balance... anyway, we were still the record holder... for some reasons, we never got back to stations where we still have our record standing and was never able to pk... the final thing the eating the all the whatever food de should have gotten the biggest plate lah. but what's over is over so no point brooding over it.
Missed out the angel and mortal game... I got Iwan's name lah... anyway, i folded those paper into shapes to divert his attention and think that it's a girl... then Andre and I know how to fold the stuff lah... but during the camp we forgot a lot so we folded standard stuff... then i allowed ppl to use the same type of paper i'm using to avoid attention and i always used different colour to return message to my angel... At first my guess was Cindy cause I saw her handwriting b4. but then some other messages seem to have different handwriting so i didn't really confirm... of course I also got shou zhu dai tu lah... got once she and another sister (forgot who) went over...then i got mew mail... haha... but can't rule out the possibility that she's a messenger... I was the postman for Andre for i think once only... haha... or maybe not... hmm... forgotten...
I achieved part of what i wanted lah... that is to be more open... haha... at least now i talked a bit more than usual...
Christmas Eve was family day. went there and played games lor... in the end my shoes got sand... most of it was contributed by tug of war... quite difficult to play cause my stronger leg was not in my favourable position... but in the end my group still won... =P maybe cause got Iwan? haha...
(many other details which I'm lazy to say...)
Christmas got nothing much lah... not invited to anywhere...
12:01 AM ; smile'